Saturday, October 06, 2007


As you've probably heard, Cottage Street, Easthampton, and the Pioneer Valley lost one of its greats this past week. Frank Lucchesi, luthier extraordinaire and owner of Lucchesi Vintage Instruments, passed away suddenly this past Saturday. He was 56. Many heartfelt words have been written about Frank as the news of his untimely passing has spread throughout the community. A tribute night of music is planned for this week's ArtWalkEasthampton.

I didn't know him well, but from the few times I got to hang out with him over a beer and his wife Fran's amazing cooking, it's easy to understand why he was so beloved by family, friends, and even customers. He was the storyteller. Those who have written about him all say you couldn't just drop-off or pick-up your instrument. Going into his shop meant a visit and a conversation with Frank. He was a wealth of knowledge and stories. He was just one of those people, five minutes after meeting him, you felt like you've known him your whole life.

During one of those dinners at his home, he gave us a tour of his gardens, fruit trees, and blueberry bushes. I remember being particularly impressed with the giant blueberry bushes, all draped in netting to protect them from their predators. To which Frank said, 'Take as many as you want. Come back with buckets.' It was a small gesture, but gave me a clear first impression of the man. A good guy who'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. He will be sorely missed by all who were lucky to know him.
Rest in Music, Frank.

I urge you to stop by his shop this coming Saturday, 5 -8pm.


April said...

So sorry to hear this.

(( Frank Lucchesi's Family))

Anonymous said...

We still have Fran & Frank blueberries in the freezer. He is missed.