Monday, August 27, 2007

Changing of the Guard

Can you believe it's almost Labor Day already, wow. That was one quick summa. Wasn't Memorial Day just a few days ago? I have no complaints though. It's been a hot and nearly rainless four months here in New England. Really couldn't have asked for better weather. Dairy prices went through the roof back in June and have continued to creep up all summer, but the shop's been full every day and night, so all is well, and it looks to be another record season. Thanks to you all who have stopped in for a scoop or a batch of gummy bears. I really appreciate it. And if you haven't had a chance yet, Fall is coming, and you can guess how beautiful it is out here in the rolling hills of western Massachusetts when the leaves start turning. Hope to see you soon.

In the meantime, my great summer crew is, one by one, packing up their footlockers and heading back or off to colllege. So we bid goodbye to Lauren, Katie, Angela, and Kristin. And say welcome to Ben, Abby, and Kate. Taryn is still in high school, so thankfully she's sticking around. This time of year is always particularly challenging for me, since it's still summer weather and the shop is busy, but the crew is either new and green or weary and ready to turn in their apron for a bookbag. But we're getting through it, and with a little luck and practice, the new scoop crew will be hummin' like a top in no time. I hope to introduce you to the new crew in future posts.

P.S. Above is Kate on the left and Angela on the right.

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