Friday, December 11, 2009

Bay Road Photo: Blogging Road Game.

My friend Patrick Brough, Easthampton's insurance guy and photo bug around town, and his partner in photography crime Laura Merwin have a very cool blog over at called Bay Road Photo. It's actually Laura's blog, and Patrick joined her last year to assist. There they share some of their amazing images and talk photography, with a good mix of light and sometimes serious photo banter. It's one of the blogs I follow regularly. In any event, I recently mentioned to Pat the idea of doing a guest spot and pitched him a little idea I had. He and Laura were into it, and a week later, voila!, a guest entry over at Bay Road Photo.

Here it is. Hope you can check it out.

Enjoy the arctic breeze today.

Can I make you a Chocolate Eggnog Latte?

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