I think that's what I say every late January when I come back from my little 3ish week hiatus. Got in late last night from the last leg of a great January of fun, and with no rest for the vacation-weary, the shop is up and running once again today, snow squalls and cold spells be darned. The freezers are all awake and humming, fresh off their own little winter slumbers, and the batch freezer is churning out fresh frozen delights by the five gallon as we speak.
Much more on 'what I did on my winter vacation' to follow. Just wanted to let you know we're reopened and ready to roll, with plenty of leadtime until the big Valentine's Day chocolate push. Just about to make a few special flavors, so if there's something you've been jones'n for, feel free to drop a line.
Hope to see you soon.
Winter hrs. continue. Sunday & Tues-Thurs 12-8pm, Friday, Saturday 12-9pm, Closed Mondays.