Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Jim's Shop Show! May 2024


Near & Far

A collection of my favorite images from local haunts and January jaunts.

By Jim Ingram (owner of Mt Tom’s Homemade Ice Cream)

I’ve always said the thing I enjoy most about photography is how it puts you in the present moment. It encourages you to really take in that moment, to notice things that may go unnoticed during the rest of your day - the bee lunching in a dandelion that’s poking through a crack in the sidewalk. The adoring way two people in a crowd are looking at each other.  It focuses your attention on what surrounds you. 

You’re not thinking about the little disagreement you had with a coworker yesterday or what you’re going to make for dinner.  Your sights, and thoughts, are where they belong - in the right now.  The images in his show exist because I let myself be in those moments. The local images remind me how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful and safe spot on this little planet.  The travel images bring me back to moments in faraway lands far out of my comfort zone. These moments offered up joy and wonder, with a healthy dollop of gratitude thrown in for good measure.

While these images won’t trigger the same memories and feelings for you, I hope one may inspire you to go for a mindful walk in the woods, take a break from your busy life to enjoy a sunset, or perhaps even book a trip to a place just slightly out of your comfort zone.  

Your fancy iPhone may more often take you out of the moment and into Facebook and the like, but its little camera button is pretty good at putting you right back in it.

Thanks for listening, and I hope you enjoy my show.   And perhaps a scoop of ice cream.

